Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love is alive and well! (At least until one of the parties is full grown)

This story is great. So great, that I really hope there's no follow-up stories, because let's be honest, it could end badly.

A boar and a dog living in a German farm are in love, and squeeze their cute little bodies into a little basket every night so they can snuggle. I know your hearts are still rotten and black from Valentine's day, but doesn't this make your heart tingle a little bit?

Why am I afraid it could end badly? the farmer refers to the pig as 'Schnitzel.' That doesn't bode well for the boar.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Am I the only person who's even slightly curious about the implications of 'bed down together'? It looks like a bit of post-shag nap they're having in that photo.

  3. I think that's what the farmer's afraid of!
