Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Cop, Bad Cop: Hairy Stuff.

In this week's "Good Cop, Bad Cop", borufkaberry and Captain Sensible deal with a hairy issue - is it okay to ask your partner to change their hairstyle? As always, please feel free to share your problems with us at praggeist@gmail.com

Dear GCBC,
I hate my boyfriend's haircut. He's sporting one of these ironic mullets, and it just doesn't work for him at all. When we met, his hair was just short and kind of messy, which I liked.

I knew that he liked wearing skinny jeans when we met (he was wearing a yucky acid wash pair that night), and I can deal with that, though that's a whole other crime against fashion, too, in my opinion. But the mullet is new, and frankly, too much for me to handle. He's a really sweet kid on the inside and things between us are going well, so am I being a superficial bitch for minding his hair so much? He looks like he walked out of a bad American Apparel ad.

So how do I go about getting rid of his mullet and saving our love?

Invaded by Mullets

Dear Invaded,

Despite the old adage that “love conquers all”, sometimes we find ourselves unable to truly accept our partners the way they are. You can try and voice your dislike of his hair to your boyfriend and maybe suggest browsing hair catalogues together to find a style you both like.

If, however, he’s unwilling to change, then I believe you should just accept that and focus on your boyfriend’s inner beauty.


Good Cop

Dear Invaded,

You aren’t being superficial at all. After all, you not only have to get it on with this guy but you will obviously be seen in public together. For fuck’s sake, what nincomcock thought art school mullets were cool four or five years ago, never mind now?! That hair ‘style’ and evidently ‘ironic’ heavy metal t-shirts always used to put me in mind of trying-too-hard kids’ TV presenters, but I thought it had become a thing of the past. Anyway, what to do? I would recommend a) cutting off the bit at the back when he’s asleep leaving him with no option but to abandon the shitty look altogether, b) threatening to withhold sex, or c) both of the above.

Bad Cop

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