Friday, March 12, 2010

WATCH THIS: The God Warrior

I watched the original episode of "Wife Swap" that this video is from during one of the darkest times of my life, when I was living in Lafayette, Louisiana, having evacuated there from New Orleans.

Many lord-loving folks consider New Orleans to be a pit of sin where hookers and other blasphemous folk run loose on the streets, sucking at each others' genitals and trading crucifix jewelry. Or something like that.

In the wake of the storm hitting the Big Easy, some Christian fundamentalists didn't have anything better to do than yapping on about how we had it coming and that the city was being punished for not obeying the laws of the lord. Right.

So it was kind of cathartic for me and my friends to watch this, because it features a crazy, toothless Christian woman who looses it when she is sent to live with a hippie family that believe in Mandalas and astrology. I think we felt that she was what we pictured the fundamentalist Christians surrounding us in our new-found homes in the boondocks of the South were like and to us, they were just as scary as we were to them. Enjoy. I love the way she says dark-sided.

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