Thursday, March 25, 2010

Morning Roundup: Same as it ever was

-Allegro, the restaurant both you and I will never be able to afford, has defended its Michelin star for the third year in a row, thanks to Executive Chef Andrea Accordi. It's the only restaurant in Prague and Eastern Europe with the culinary distinction. Fancy! Know what they're eating for dinner tonight there? For starters, a "Duo of Sea Scallops - Wrapped in Guanciale on Candied Fennel,Dried Fruit Chips and Sage, Tartare with Winter Black Truffle and Topinambour, Walnut Crisp and Trevisian Radicchio." I'm making black beans and rice tonight, so excited!

-I woke up this morning and decided I hated all politicians, and then I felt a little sad that I'd crossed that line of being completely cynical about everything. Mirek Topolanek continues to make me feel justified in that, however. Now, in spite of the fact that EVERYONE hates him and he's a turd, he won't leave unless he can take others with him.

-Cops were waiting for the Greenpeace protestors when they finally climbed down from the smokestacks yesterday, after protesting the Prunerov coal-fired plant. The jokes on you, cops! Jail's WAY better than sleeping on top of a smokestack.

-The head of the Georgian Mafia was arrested in Prague. I have no idea what Georgia is like, but I would imagine that guy is scary as hell, and his mafia makes our little mafia stateside look like the boyscouts.

-Expat biker gets honked at by Czech motorists, and says the word dickhead like fifty times, except he spells it d***head, and says the driver should have gotten his ass kicked. Men can be serious dumbasses sometimes. I used to HATE cyclists in the road, and would yell at them from out of my car window (I'm angry and aggressive). Then a cyclist ran into me when I was walking one day, I had tire marks on my leg, and I was super embarassed as it was on campus. Karma, it's real!

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