Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Events Roundup: Phat Tuezday

-If you're having a WTF moment and are dying to find out where the above picture is from, check here. Basically, someone is seriously trying to eat their way to a Guinness world record. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one...

-As I mentioned yesterday, multi-instrumentalist and Canadian Indie star Owen Pallett (former projects include Final Fantasy) is playing Roxy's NOD (Dlouhá 33) tonight at 8 p.m., tickets were 350 kč per email pre-order, so I imagine it will be that or slightly more at the door. I know, how smart of me.

-Comedy night at the Czech Inn (Francouská 76) at 8 p.m. The group is called "Too Soon?" and I imagine they'll try to make you laugh. No cover.

-If you wanna get weeknight-crunk, Hush Café's 2-for-1 cocktail deal between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. seems like an excellent deal (Lublaňská 39).

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