Monday, March 8, 2010

News Roundup: Cruising on the rails

-All aboard! This press round-up starts out kind of ho-hum; at the top you have your typical story about how dumb politicians are. But about halfway through we find out transport union leader Jaromír Dušek thinks Czech Railways is gay as hell! And I quote: "I can tell you I am afraid to bend down to reach for a pencil on the floor in the corridor," he said about the Czech Railways in an interview with Czech daily Lidové noviny. That's quite a detailed scenario you have there, Dušek.

-I can't figure it out. Either I'm terrible in social situations (very possible) or I am actually just constantly fixated on the weather. Either way, I like to talk about it a lot. Especially on a day like today, when the weather is some SERIOUS bullshit. This weekend bummed me out. Then I went from bummed out to throwing a Category 5 sulk when I fell on my ass on the way home from the Potraviny. Five out of ten eggs were destroyed, and two passerby walked right past me without so much as a grunt as I lay on the ground, my carton of cranberry juice a good three feet away from me. Assholes.

-President Václav Klaus is on a tour of the U.S. What's he doing? "Warning of environmentalism." You read that right. What, you didn't know environmentalists were this decade's terrorists? Get your head out of the clouds, man. "Environmentalism also wants to suppress economic growth, reduce prosperity and hinder human progress," Klaus said in his speech to the conservative Club for Growth in Palm Beach, Florida. Klaus must be soooo happy Avatar didn't win Best Picture.

-Speaking of the Oscars. Ok, yeah, I complained about them. But even I have to say how cool it is that Kathryn Bigelow is the first woman in the show's 82 years to win Best Director. No doubt she deserved it, but what do you want to bet some people voted for her just to see her beat out ex-husband James Cameron? His movie cost $500 million, took him ten years and he lost to his ex-wife.

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