Friday, March 5, 2010

Roundup: Strike on strikes

-First there was a transportation strike, then there wasn't. The transportation workers' union should have a general meeting and read the story of Peter and the Wolf together. The ODS party called the strike threat "blackmail." Um, yes, isn't that what strikes are, essentially?

-Swastikas: Never a good idea. They're also terrifying when worn proudly by soldiers with guns... in 2010.

-Sage and wizened President Vaclav Klaus comes out from behind the curtain to tell us the following: You should not vote for the wrong reasons, and you should especially not vote for hip, new parties. This probably means he disapproves of the Pirate Party.

-I'm not so sure a Czech Ebay would work. I mean, from what I can tell, the Czech are a pretty unsentimental bunch, and don't have any use for people's old wedding photos or postcards from the 1940's.

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