Monday, March 1, 2010

Morning Roundup: Curtains, Strike, no Bronze

Good morning to ya. That was one windy weekend. I guess that was our end of the storms all over Europe.

-Medal favorite Lukáš Bauer came in twelfth in the men's 50 km classic event. The Winter Olympic Games are over now. The cross country skier was apparently putting on a poker face - "He wanted to throw up, but smiled nonetheless." Czech headlines are so wrong sometimes.

-This strike bizness is starting to worry me. First, the strike was postponed from Monday to Thursday, giving the government some time to set this shit straight. But the Czech Transport Workers’ Union is out for blood and now we could see a "series of strikes" if they don't get what they want (basically, no higher taxes on employee benefits). Too bad I walk to work.

-Curtain on fire in the State Opera Prague! Those red velvet monstrosities always seemed like a bad idea to me. I imagine a little bit of fire during the opera really adds drama to the experience though and ups the story telling value. One member of the audience inhaled smoke but no one was seriously injured or even killed. Phew.

-And if you're eyeing that unbelievably cheap real leather jacket, think twice. Apparently, more than half of all leather goods in the Czech Republic contain some sort of trace of cat or dog skin. I have no idea what that means but it sounds whacky enough.

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