Monday, March 29, 2010

Events Roundup: When marketing backfires


-And this week's Terrible Band Description award goes to The Subways, pictured at left, who are playing tonight at 8 p.m. at Lucerna for 500 Kc. Nothing says ROCK like a hot guitar-playing chick, a guy so awesome at the guitar that he can jump and a shirtless drummer. What are they like, you ask?

"The Subways have quickly established themselves as one of Britain's most undeniably “Arse kicking – will someone please turn that mutha up” bands. Live they will blow your brains clear through the back of your skull and leave your body flopping around like a helpless rag doll being shaken by a very petulant child who’s forgotten to take their Ritalin."

Why would I want that experience??!!

-Mount Eerie plays tonight at Strahov Klub 007. Here's a review of the latest album. Mount Eerie is Phil Everum, who was previously The Microphones. Also playing is "indie pop" Canadian band No Kids. 7:30 p.m.


-Febio Fest continues tonight with a huge variety of foreign films to choose from, playing at various venu
es throughout Prague. Here's tonight's schedule. Luckily, most of the films have both Czech AND English subtitles, so take advantage!

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